Helen Charlston and Toby Carr perform Claudio Monteverdi’s ‘Lamento della Ninfa’ with members of The Gesualdo Six as part of London Sound Gallery.
Watch the complete concert performance: .
The London Sound Gallery online series will be broadcast in stunning 4K on Sundays at 5pm from 25 October to 29 November. Ticket holders will be able to watch on-demand from the date of broadcast until 1 January 2021.
The London Sound Gallery festival themes include new beginnings and reconnection: in this spirit, The Gesualdo Six are delighted to be collaborating with each artist as part of their programme.
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Monteverdi: Lamento della Ninfa (Lament of the Nymph)
The god Phoebus had still to light
The great fires of the dawn
When the nymph left her dwelling.
Her face a pale temple in its ruins of grief;
Her cries – a heart, rending.
Hither and thither she went,
Stumbling through flowers,
Grieving the love she had lost:
Hear me, O Love, she begged the heavens,
– stock still now, rooted to the spot –
What happened to that traitor’s vow,‘
Togetherness and trust’?’’
I just want him back,
But as he was before.
If you cannot – then kill me;
I cannot bear this agony.
No more will I listen to his sighs,
Unless we are separated by a thousand seas
No! No longer will I martyr myself for this.
I am destroying myself because of him,
And the worse it is, the more gorged,
The more satisfied he seems.
If I were to flee from him,
Perhaps then he might come begging?
That woman’s eyebrows
May be arched more perfectly than mine,
But sealed within my breast,
O Love,Lives a faithfulness still fairer.
And that woman’s mouth will never open
To give such kisses as I can give!
(Hush! Say nothing – you know only too well!)
With these cries she cast
Her anguish to the heavens.
And so it is that in the heart of every lover
Burns, side-by-side, love’s flame and ice.
#LondonSoundGallery #classicalmusic
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