Бисер Балкански - Pearl Of The Balkans (Macedonian Patriotic Song)
Бисер Балкански - Македонска Патриотска Песна
Biser Balkanski, translated to “Pearl Of The Balkans“ is a Macedonian patriotic song. It is considered a folk anthem of the Macedonian version was performed by Goce Nikolovski.
The song reflects on the hidden gem that is Macedonia, its people and its history. The lyrics refer to the division of Macedonia that have occured in the past (mainly the Balkan Wars and World War One) as well as the Macedonian people themselves that cannot be rooted out (such as Elymus repens; see „Пиреј“ / “Pirej“: )
It is also mentioned that the 3 regions (Vardar, Pirin, Egej) are, or rather should be united into the one and only Macedonia which exists.
(Biser Balkanski - Goce Nikolovski)
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Бисер Балкански - Pearl Of The Balkans (Macedonian Patriotic Song)