Bojanje Uskrsnih Jaja - Kava i crno vino • How to dye Easter eggs - Coffee and red wine
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Bojanje Uskrsnih Jaja - Kava i crno vino • How to dye Easter eggs - Coffee and red wine
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Sastojci / Ingredients
- Jaja.
- Voda.
- Sol.
- 2 do 3 žlice kave.
- Ocat.
- 800 mililitara crnog vina.
- Čipka, tkanina, konac, vreća za povrće...
- Biljno ulje.
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- Eggs.
- Water.
- Salt.
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of coffee.
- Vinegar.
- 800 milliliters of red wine.
- Lace, fabric, thread, vegetable bag ...
- Vegetable oil.
👉Watch the video and don’t forget to turn on YouTube subtitles for ingredients and quantities‼ ᥧ
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11 months ago 00:05:57 1
Bojanje Uskrsnih Jaja - Kava i crno vino • How to dye Easter eggs - Coffee and red wine