,, Нашим мужчинам “, автор и исп. Ольга Скрябина #гитара #песниподгитару #подгитару

Авторская песня ,,Нашим мужчинам“ записана 22 февраля 2022 года. For our men Olga Scriabina-Ogorodnova How I want to congratulate all the men, But something heavy on my heart became, Words fall like stones, but at the top, It’s a shame for a great power. My country, well, get up off your knees, For the Motherland, freedom and glory, What did grandfathers and fathers fight for, We have no right to forget and give. Refrain: Do not be afraid of the wrath of God, Always go ahead, After all, we have nowhere to retreat, The Russian spirit lives in us. Let the spirit and smoke of the fatherland To victories leads us, And that belief in the best. No one in us will kill us. How I want to congratulate all men And to wish everyone peace and health, And that our Motherland may bloom, The earth was not poured with fraternal blood. How I wish everyone well And happiness, and Siberian health, And that the great-grandchildren of wa
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