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[BIRDFEED EXCLUSIVE] Na7an debuts on the Feed with “Candyland”!
-How long have you been creating music?
Firstly Hello, Na7an here. This year completes 5 years of music production
-What do you use to make your tracks?
So I like using Ableton live and I don’t like to get too attached to formulas and rules. I let creativity emerge and build something that makes me satisfied
-How and when did you first discover Dirtybird?
I discovered Dirty Bird in 2018 as soon as I started playing. At that time I was still starting out in music production and many friends told me about t
...he label. I always heard about the label because of Bruno Furlan and his songs. I still remember listening to the track ``The Book is on the Table`` at least 6 times a day.
-Which Dirtybird artist would you want to collaborate with the most?
I don’t think I can name just one. I would love to collaborate with artists Lubelski, Walker & Royce, the boss Claude Von Stroke, Cour T and Bruno Furlan
-If your entire life was a movie, what title would best describe you?
I believe the best title that would describe me would be: The challenging world of Natan
-What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
The best event I’ve ever been to was my first electronic music festival in 2019 called Soulvision which was also the first festival I played at.
-If you could time travel, where and when would you go?
I would like to travel 10 years into the future and see what I would be like.
-What species of bird best describes you and why?
I believe that the Eagle would be what represents me. The eagle symbolizes majesty, freedom, agility and other virtues. A person with talent, insight, intelligence is called an eagle. This might sound a little crazy, but I believe that would define me.
-What does Dirtybird mean to you?
In a few words: Authenticity, freedom, fun
Dirtybird for me means the realization of a dream and a goal achieved. I see it’s not just a record label. There is a whole identity and culture behind it and that has always meant a lot to me.
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