Anonymous: OpRussia

Alternatives to circumvent Russian censorship: Tor network, external VPN provider (outside of Russia) or We will be updating content as we receive information. Greetings World, We are Anonymous. We see the clouds of war, wrought by a madman pushing his propagandic agenda on to a free people and it angers us. Russian forces surrounded and invaded Ukraine all because Vladimir Putin wants to dominate a sovereign nation and to control Ukraine’s autonomy. Immediately we hit his propaganda network Russia Today, and took out many of Russia’s government sites. These actions will continue. We, as activists, will not sit idle as Russian forces kill and murder innocent people trying to defend their homeland. To all of the Russian soldiers who may read or hear of this message, and to any of their family and friends who may be able to pass this message along, we strongly encourage all of you in the Russian forces to lay down your weapons and just walk away. Putin’s crimes do not have to be
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