Капкейки с зефирным кремом

Ingredients: BUTTERY BISCUIT BASE 25g butter 90g digestive biscuit crumbs 2 tsp golden syrup CUPCAKES 75g chocolate chips 175g plain flour 30g cocoa powder 185g caster sugar ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda Pinch of Salt 1 ½ lg eggs (2 small?) 120ml cold coffee 120ml buttermilk 105ml vegetable oil Raspberry Jam (jarred or home-made) MARSHMALLOWY MERINGUE ICING 3 lg egg whites 260g caster sugar 7 tbs Golden Syrup (or corn syrup) ¼ tsp cream of Tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla Pinch of salt 2 tbs water CHOCOLATE COATING 375g of semisweet choc 3 tbs veg or coconut oil
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