Vanilla Durotar - Music & Ambience (1 hour, 4K, World of Warcraft Classic)
Dear friends, we are continuing our World of Warcraft Vanilla adventure with the starting area of the orcs and trolls: Durotar, presented in a music & ambience mode. As the main theme for this zone, you will hear Plains Day & Plains Night (by Jason Hayes) - not unique, but like all the classic soundtracks it matches very well Durotar ambient.
Durotar (Azeroth, Kalimdor) - the land named after Thrall’s father, Durotan, lies on the eastern coast of Kalimdor (this is why some of the players are referring incorrectly the zone as Durotan). It borders the Barrens to the west and the coastal lands of Azshara to the north. The land of Durotar is rocky, and the soil is cracked and red, not unlike the orcs’ Draenorian homeland. The land has many crags and canyons, where various dangerous creatures take residence. It is a harsh land to survive in; it is very dry and hot, and the vegetation and freshwater access is sparse.
The orcs, however, see a harsh beauty in the land that reminds them of their home world. Durotar is a proving ground for young orcs, who are sent to the Valley of Trials to complete several rites of passage before they are considered fit for the challenges that lie ahead. Durotar is the new homeland of the orcs and the site of the orcs’ principal city of Orgrimmar. While the orcs founded their city of Orgrimmar here, Durotar has become something of a haven for all of the Horde races, especially the trolls (In the south of Durotar are the Echoes Isles, the ancestral home of the Darkspear Trolls.)
Original WoW Vanilla Durotar music always marked in the video but you will hear it first at:
00:12 Plains Night 1
01:13 Plains Night 2
02:25 Plains Day 1
03:21 Plains Day 2
08:00 Troll 1 (aka Horde Tavern 1)
08:57 Troll 2 (aka Horde Tavern 2)
10:40 Jungle Night 1
11:38 Jungle Night 2
12:34 Jungle Night 3
14:01 Jungle Day 2
15:33 Jungle Day 3
18:31 Battle 3 (intro)
19:01 Stormwind 8 (aka Stormwind Zone 8)
31:30 Barrens Day 3 (intro)
Plains Day & Night, Jungle Day & Night, Stormwind music is composed by Jason Hayes
Barrens Day 3 is composed by Derek Duke
All the music is accompanied by the in-game ambience sounds of each zone presented.
World of Warcraft Vanilla Durotar zones in this video:
00:00 Valley of Trials & Burning Blade Coven
08:00 Sen’jin Village
10:15 Echo Isles
18:30 Tiragarde Keep & Scuttle Coast)
31:30 Razor Hill (with Halloween decorations)
43:24 Gates of Orgrimmar & Jaggedswine Farm & Rocktusk Farm
47:30 Skull Rock & Bladefist Bay
50:00 Drygulch Ravine
52:30 Thunder Ridge
55:00 Razormane Grounds
57:40 Southfury River
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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