Why Do We Conjure Up All Kinds of Conspiracy Theories?

Why do we come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories? We come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories primarily because we do not know where we live, why we are alive, where we are developing, and what is good and bad for us. We are confused. We can think of ourselves as little children who were placed into an open store, and who then play with all kinds of things in that store, running around and bumping into all sorts of things, but who have no clue as to why they were placed there to begin with, and what the store’s rules are in order for everyone to enjoy themselves optimally. That is how we are in our world. Therefore, if something significant and extraordinary happens to us here, we start examining the phenomena from several different angles: Who caused it? Who benefits from it? That is, we start looking for who to blame. Ultimately, we cause all of our misfortunes, but it is not as all kinds of conspiracy theorists emphasize, that there are certain people doing this on purpose.
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