One-Motor CVT Robot Arm #1 - Gearbox

AD $2 for 5PCBS, PCBA from $0 (Free Setup, Free Stencil) - Free PCBA Voucher: One of my previous projects was a Prioritising Mechanical Multiplexor. This had three outputs and one main motor to drive it. The main drive motor slid up and down so it could drive any of the outputs, and this took place via worm gears so they weren’t easy to back-drive and they’d stay in place once they were set. I then moved on and made a Continually Variably Transmission and Clutch system which used a ball to convey rotary motion from one wheel to another. As the ball tilts, a varying radius of the ball will make contact with either wheel, which changes the ratio of the reduction – and in fact we can gear up or gear down depending on the position of the ball. It also has a dead spot in the middle so the output is not driven, and we can tilt the ball the other way to go in reverse. I’ve been thinking about these projects for a while, and now I’m going
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