lobotomy core - pick up the phone, please

for a better experience, watch this in headphones at 4:20 a.m. at 144p :) ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ ⁰ ෴ ⁰ (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) prod. wholen.t write me;) [ Discord: Wholen.t ] [ Gmail: channelcool40@ ] [ TG: @wholent ] [ VK: ] [ Группа VK: ] ________________________________________________________________________________ lobotomy core,lobotomy corporation,lobotomy type beat,suicideboys type beat,lobotomy core type beat,lobotomy core music,lobotomy music,lsd dream emulator,dream emulator,dream simulator,weirdcore,liminal space,weirdcore music,weirdcore playlist,dreamcore music,lsd music,psychedelic music,psychedelic trance,lolicore,speedcore,terrorcore,breakcore,trance music,milk outside a bag of milk,arthouse music,dark ambient,dark ambient music,dark ambient noise,noise ambient,phone ambient,industrial music,industrial type beat,crystal castles type beat,witch house type beat,witch house,witch house mix,witch house music,darkwave,gothic,darkwave music, liminal spaces
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