Avatar Movie Spiritual Tree (The Tree of Souls) of Pandora is in Genshin Impact

The Tree of Souls The Tree of Souls (Na’vi name: Vitraya Ramunong) is a giant willow-like tree that is said to be the closest connection to Eywa on Pandora. As pointed out by Miles Quaritch, the tree is a point of extreme spiritual significance to the Na’vi, more so than any other point on Pandora. The Tree of Souls is located on the ground of Pandora, amidst the floating Hallelujah Mountains on top of a large unobtanium deposit near the Hometree of the Omaticaya clan. The coordinates are 34°03’00“N, 118°14’00“W.[3] The tree sits in a basin roughly 60 meters in diameter, shielded by an unusual formation of rock arches that give the impression of a shell encasing it, increasing its sense of security and protection. The tree is difficult to find due to its location right at the heart of Pandora’s natural Flux Vortex. #Avatar #Pandora #GenshinImpact #NJMHGaming
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