Moonshine Stalkers-Moll Dyer-Diablo Records - Psychobilly music

Formally known as Killing Seymour, this band have been around for a while. Psychobilly music After Killing Seymour lost their vocalist, the rest of the band decided to go on the hunt for a new singer,whilst in the meantime using guitarist, Ricky, to fill in on vocal duties. After a few gigs and some thought, the boys decided that they were doing just fine as a three-piece. With Ricky on guitar and vocals permanently, they started to work on new material. With this came a new sound with a totally different feel to the music, and in one smooth transition they became, The Moonshine Stalkers. With each of the band members having such varied musical tastes and influences, its hard to pin point any one type of style to tag their sound, but if you like psychobilly punk rockin’ noise, and you like it loud and freakin’ fast, then check out THE MOONSHINE STALKERS! In the summer of 2011, The Moonshine boys made some changes to the with the help of another guitarist/vocalist, Andy Kandil,
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