Global Debt Reaches A Record $281 Trillion! Get Ready For A New Global Monetary Order: Bitcoin?Gold?

Many people are not aware of what is happening. They are not aware that the U.S. dollar is collapsing and a new monetary order is coming. According to the latest data published a few days ago, global debt has exceeded $281 trillion. This is a record high, surpassing predictions that were already terrible enough. The global debt amount increased by $24.1 trillion when compared to 2019, which was $ 281.5 trillion at the end of last year. It’s clear that, in the next few years, debt will rise to the quadrillions. And these debts belong to governments, companies, and, even worse, households. For those who have been watching the Financial Argument for a long time, these numbers are no surprise. I have been telling you that the current corrupt economic system (which has been connected to the fiat monetary system for years) is permanently damaged and cannot be recovered.
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