RIIZE ’Love 119’ Preview

RIIZE ’Love 119’ Preview ➫ .(THU) 8PM (KST) RIIZE’s new single “Love 119“ will be released on January 5th, 6PM (KST). [RIIZE ’Love 119’ STREAMING EVENT] 🧡 1/4 20:00 (KST) 【RIIZE ’Love 119’ Preview】 생방송에서 공개되는 YES24 앨범 구매 링크를 확인하세요! 단독 특전인 미공개 컷 포토카드를 만나실 수 있습니다! 🎁 Check out the YES24 album purchase link from 【RIIZE ’Love 119’ Preview】 live streaming on 1/4 20:00 (KST)! You can also get access to unreleased photocards as an exclusive benefit as well! 🎁 📍구매 링크는 방송 시작 시 ,
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