Understanding Pottery Chapter 9 Oxides, Washes, Underglazes and Stains

Welcome to Understanding Pottery, Chapter 9: Oxides, Washes, Underglazes and Stains. In this podcast you will learn why these surfaces treatments are different and how to best use them in your creative process. This is the third chapter in the section titled Use of Raw Materials. The next topic in the series is Geology for Potters. Understanding Pottery is a series in production by Washington Street Studios. The video series is a digital textbook that will take you through the entire ceramic process from the raw material through the finished ceramic pieces. There are five sections and twenty-six chapters planned in the series and they are: Section I: The Pottery Making Sequence Chapter 1: What is Clay? Chapter 2: Clay Properties and Drying Chapter 3: Bisque Firing Chapter 4: Tips for Successful Glazing Chapter 5: Pyrometric Cones Chapter 6: Glaze Firing Section II: Use of Raw Materials Chapter 7: Chemistry for Potters Chapter 8: Glaze Chemistry Chapter 9: Oxides, Washe
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