A few days ago Javier Milei, who has been lauded by the right as a trailblazer in “freedom and liberty” was seen supporting and

A few days ago Javier Milei, who has been lauded by the right as a trailblazer in “freedom and liberty” was seen supporting and embracing Zelensky in Switzerland for the “Summit on Peace in Ukraine” Zelensky, you know the guy who is a WAR CRIMINAL that is responsible for the deaths of entire generations of his own countrymen, and who is extorting BILLIONS of US tax payer dollars to sustain the MASSIVE money laundering operation that is the “war in Ukraine”. This is NOT the first time that they have been seen in public embracing each other. The first time I called it out too, and I am now also. Zelensky is easily one of the most EVIL men on earth. Something is OFF. BIG TIME. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the endless DECEPTION regardless of which “side”. I said back in 2023 that 2024 was going to be a REAL test of discernment. Don’t you know that Lucifer masquerades as a beautiful Angel of light? THE ENTIRE WORLD IS A STAGE. WE ARE BEING PLAYED FOR FOOLS. Source: PatriotVoiceOfficial
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