REDSPHERE - “Thought Crimes“ (Official Music Video)

A Death Metal shock wave from New Caledonia (South Pacific), that call to the awakening. After Regnum Lupus, which marked the arrival of Mike Heller (MALIGNANCY, FEAR FACTORY…) and (AZZIARD, ex THE NEGATION…), Redsphere is back with a new act. Immortalized is the complete revision of the album “Immortal Voids“, with new lyrics and vocals from , and produced, mixed, and mastered by Damien Rainaud. Redsphere’s Immortalized is a powerful and dynamic album that showcases the band’s unique sound and style. With a theme centered around Orwell’s 1984, the album offers a dystopian look at society and the need for awakening and revolt. The album will be released on Malmorta Records, the death metal sub-label of Malpermesita, ex Kaotoxin. Immortalized is a must-listen for fans of death metal, groove, and engaged lyrics. To order Immortalized: & To listen Regnum Lupus: iTunes, Spotify, Deez
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