PLEIADIAN SONG - OM SHANTI #healingmusic #meditationmusic #meditation #pleyadianos #pleiadianmusic #peace
Listen to this Pleiadian music with the Om Shanti mantra and feel how peace comes within you and around you.
Sacred song performed by a choir of Pleiadian beings using the powerful mantra “Om Shanti“,
It comes from the Sanskrit root sham, which means “calm.“ And that is what shanti also means: “peace”, “tranquility”, “calm”, “rest”. On many occasions this is accompanied by an Om, thus creating the mantra of peace, which is usually chanted in two ways: om
... shanti om and om shanti shanti shanti.
Chanted during a meditation session or to close a yoga practice, this powerful mantra creates a soft and gentle atmosphere and produces a tremendous feeling of absence of noise, blockages and tension. Make everything be at peace, may you be at peace.Show more