China Accelerates Liquidation of U.S. Debt, If Default the U.S. Will Face Ten Economic Disaster.

If the US defaults on its debt, ten major economic disasters will await the US, including the possibility of government workers and social welfare funds facing suspension, active military personnel salaries and veterans’ benefits possibly being suspended, a large amount of investment capital possibly being withdrawn from the US, the cost of borrowing for Americans possibly rising, the US economy possibly experiencing a severe recession, the unemployment rate possibly skyrocketing, the US dollar’s reserve status possibly collapsing, the pace of global de-dollarization possibly accelerating, the US debt settlement tide likely to continue, the petrodollar agreement possibly coming to an end, and the US possibly facing an unprecedented Great Depression that will cause predictable economic damage to future generations of Americans. Therefore, the US economy is paying the most direct cost and painful loss for its mountain of debt. On the day of the debt ceiling negotiation, the yield on US Treasury bills
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