[ENG SUB] Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:salvation- Promotional Movie (Endternal Virche)
This is an English translation of Shuuen no Virche’s promotional movie. Enjoy!
終遠のヴィルシュ(Shuuen no Virche) -ErroR:salvation- or Endternal Virche is an upcoming otome game for Nintendo Switch by Otomate and Idea Factory. The game is set to be released on October 7th, 2021. There are no plans for an English localization as of yet.
This video was created to promote the game to an international audience and share it with people who may not understand Japanese. No copyright infringement intended.
Translation Notes:
In Japanese, shuuen means the end of one’s life, heading towards death, or simply, demise. In this game’s title, the spelling of shuuen is actually different from normal: it’s written as「終遠」whereas it the correct writing is「終焉」(note that the second kanji is different.) The kanji it was replaced with denotes a meaning of distant「遠い」 or eternity 「永遠」. Essentially it’s akin to wordplay, it adds a feeling of perpetuity to the notion of death, which is very appropriate considering the plot. Thus, I chose the English title of “Endternal Virche“.
I tried to incorporate words with French origins (e.g. Sentinel instead of Watchman/Gatekeeper for Ankou’s role.) This is because the settings and names are primarily Breton or French-inspired (with a few other European countries thrown in for good measure). Also interesting to note, the name of the country, Arpéchéle contains péché, the French word for sin.
The “cursed black flower“ refers to lycoris radiata (in this game they are called Lycoris noireige), common name red spider lily or 彼岸花 in Japanese. You can see the silhouette of this flower on the left side of the official logo at 1:19. In anime and manga the red spider lily often suggests a sense of death or final farewells. In Buddhist writings, they are depicted in association with samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth.
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