Aural Vampire - Darkwave Surfer - K-Pop and J-Pop Fan Video

Originally uploaded 18 Sep 2006 ---------- Just some of my favourite J-pop and K-pop artists to the song “Darkwave Surfer“ by the electro-goth band “Aural Vampire“ aka オーラル・ヴァンパイア ---------- *Note* - I don’t appreciate racism, so no racist comments. Please no sexually explicit comments concerning those featured in the video either. *WARNING* Don’t get your knickers in a twist! The song name is Darkwave Surfer, but it isn’t darkwave music! *gasp* Dir en Grey and Malice Mizer are included!! But they aren’t J-POP! OMG!! *horror* Gah, get over yourselves people lol... does it matter? ---------- Those people who like the song and wish to get it, message me your e-mail and I will happily send you the MP3. ---------- For those who have asked for video names: The Videos: Dir en Grey - Yokan Utada Hikaru - Colours Utada
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