The character of the actions of the terrorists who committed the mass murder at the Crocus shopping center is analyzed by @rusich_army

The character of the actions of the terrorists who committed the mass murder at the “Crocus“ shopping center is analyzed by [id829130590|@rusich_army] The following conclusions can be made: The shooters have combat experience in their past. The terrorists were well-trained in a training camp. They skillfully handled weapons, namely moving fire and refined weapon reloading. The enemy executed all elements of the attack on schedule. They acted without emotions and cold-bloodedly shot unarmed people (likely under the influence of substances). The terrorists’ weapons had mounted tuning in the form of flashlights and laser aiming devices. The weapons were not freshly made; the barrel’s channel or the receiver was internally damaged and emitted sparks, indicating the weapon had been stored improperly for a long time. Unfortunately, we are currently dealing with a well-organized group; an untrained group would not have been capable of this. [club60203144|@ukraine_watch]“Gay in Kiev“ is no longer a figure of f... Source: Lord Of War
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