2. Воскресение Иисуса Христа (Исторические Доказательства)

Оригинал видео: Канал оригинала: Спасибо InspiringPhilosophy! Thanks InspiringPhilosophy! Источники: Mike Licona - The Resurrection of Jesus Gary Habermas and Mike Licona - The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus Gerd Ludemann - The Resurrection of Christ JP Holding - Defending the Resurrection N. T. Wright - The Resurrection of the Son of God N. T. Wright - There is a God Antony Flew and Gary Habermas - Did the Resurrection Happen? John Dominic Crossan - Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography E.P. Sanders - Jesus and Judaism E.P. Sanders - The Historical Figure of Jesus Bart Ehrman - The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the early Christian Writings William Lane Craig - Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Figment? William Lane Craig - Reasonable Faith Geza Vermes - The Resurrectio
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