Zionism Versus Revolutionary Yiddishland | Educate Against Genocide Class 2

Class #2, Held on October 24th Readings: Revolutionary Yiddishland: A History of Jewish Radicalism by Alain Brossat and Sylvie Klingberg, Introduction Chapter 20 of Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire, “Intifada, ‘Peace Process,’ Intifada ” by Richard Becker The concept of Orientalism: How does the colonizer see the colonized? @rudyayoub/video/7138072436649774382 “The Battle of Algiers” “The oppressor has no right the oppressed are bound to respect.” -Dr. Huey P. Newton Extra readings on the Zionist vs anti-Zionist left in ‘48 (these readings are not a priority but there is some int...eresting history here): “A century after its founding, the Israeli Communist Party is at a crossroads” (The contradiction between be
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