Paper Snowdrops and Wild Violets.π Happy First Day Of Spring! #creative #art #paperflowers #spring
Delightful snowdrops and wild violets are a sure sign of spring.
These petite floral pearls have slowly been emerging from earth reminding us that spring is here. The paper version of these miniature florals keep that hopeful feeling for spring throughout the year. No need for watering. It will keep its nodding blooms even without upkeep at all!
All made from crepe paper.
Snowdrops are def a wild flower favourite of mine, as they are humble, beatific, adorable and entrancing.
Available to buy.
Italian crepe paper Cartotecnica Rossi, 90 gr, colors 350, 368 and 395
Green marker
Craft glue
Glue gun
Metal stick
Dried moss
On this page Iβm sharing only my final works with the scope to promote the flower arrangements for sale. But Iβm also preparing tutorials in pdf format which will soon be available for purchase. Stay tuned!
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Lord of the Rangs! by Sascha Ende
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#crepepapeeflower #snowdrops #creative #art #paperart #papercraft #forgift #zapoklon #ruΔnirad #love #spring #springflowers #proleΔnocveΔe #paperflowers #wildviolets #paperflower #ljubiΔica #crepepaperflowers #cveceodpapira #crepepaperflowers #visibaba #cartotecnicarossi #fioridicarta #kreppipaperikukka #flowers #natureinspired #homedecor #schachbrettblume #decoration #flowermaking #inspiredbynature #paperblooms #handmade