NKK In the Balkans - Pushbacks and what NNK does everyday in Bihać

Help Us Support People on the Move Through Bosnia After the reopening of camps in Serbia, the end of Ramadan, and the rise in temperatures, more people are taking their final steps towards Europe through Bosnia. Bihać, due to its border position and the presence of camps, has become a critical juncture for those on the Balkan route. With more people trying to move, the number of pushbacks has increased. Many return from the border carrying harrowing stories of violence and degradation. Pushbacks from Croatia, now an EU state, remain illegal and are often carried out violently. People report being beaten with sticks and bare hands, threatened with guns, having their clothes, backpacks, and shoes stolen, and their phones destroyed. These illegal and shameful practices cause severe physical and psychological distress. After being pushed back to Bosnia, most are left with nothing. The living conditions in the camps and the lack of a
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