Cyclopian Architecture, Wall-Builders; Greek/Roman Master Smiths, Third-Eye, Titans, Helm of Hades

Howdy ya’ll. Everyone knows Cyclopes are a myth, right? Today we will discuss the ancient historical narrative regarding the Cyclopes, who, as a mythos, actually have much more written about, and attributed to, them than you may initially imagine. The Cyclopes were said to be the ancient blacksmiths and architects for the Greek Gods. The Cyclopes were imprisoned in “Tartarus” by the Titans, and according to the Greek legend, were sprung free by Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. These same Cyclopes are said to have created The Lightning Bolt of Zeus, The Trident of Poseidon, and the Invisibility Helm of Hades. Today we will discuss what realistic qualities, if any, we can pull from the current Cyclopian narrative, and to wrap up the video we will look through a wide assortment of photographs of Cyclopian Architecture; primarily three distinct walls important to Greek and Roman history, said to have been constructed by the Cyclopes. There’s a lot packed in this video. I tried my best to make it thoroug
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