Rachmaninoff: Vespers (All-night Vigil), op. 37. World Premier Transcription for Cello Choir Kuipers
Rachmaninoff: Vespers ( All-Night Vigil), Op. 37*
*World Premier Transcription for Cello Choir by Joseph Kuipers
1. Приидите, поклонимся ( Come, let us worship) 00:00
3. Блажен муж ( Blessed is the man) 03:03
6. Богородице Дево, радуйся ( Rejoice, O Virgin) 09:02
7. Шестопсалмие ( Glory to God in the highest) 11:25
9. Благословен еси, Господи: ( Blessed are you, Lord) 13:50
The Texas Cellos and TCU cello ensemble recorded at ‘CELLOBRATION’ in Dallas, TX, May 10, 2022.
Moody Performance Hall
Dallas, TX
Recording Producer: Michael Vazquez
Videography Producer: Grace Point Media
Composer: Sergei Rachmaninoff
Transcription: Joseph Kuipers
Author: Anonymous
#Vespers #RachmaninoffVespers #AllNightVigil
6 months ago 01:06:45 1
С. РАХМАНИНОВ “ВСЕНОЩНОЕ БДЕНИЕ“ Ор.37 Хор РАМ им.Гнесиных.Дирижер профессор Владимир СЕМЕНЮК