Home Stretches for Lower Back Pain: Pt.1 | Physio REHAB
➔The Back Pain SOS -
➔Home Doctor -
➔The Lose Your First 10 Lbs -
Right for this week’s #dailyrehab, I have FIVE mobility exercises to stretch out the lower back and hips - for all of you who are now unforunately staying at home in isolation, or now are working from home, or for those simply out of their routine at the moment - and not exercising.
If you have a current low back pain problem, and to prevent you getting a lower back problem from all that inactivity and sitting around - this is for YOU. So get stuck in and look after the lower back at home. 1st 3 stretches are in this video and the 2nd two are in Part 2 coming up.
➔The Back Pain SOS -
#BACKPAIN #SOS #SPINE #lowbackpain #lowback #rehabilitation #exercises
Home Stretches for Lower Back Pain: Pt.1 | Physio REHAB: