The 70,000-YEAR-OLD Carved Stone Snake & the ‘Mountain of the Gods’ | Ancient Architects

When I release a new video I always read as many comments as possible, and a comment from Charles Taylor on my last video caught my attention, leading me to make this video on a subject I knew very little about. Charles mentioned that the oldest ritualistic or shamanistic site in the world is in Africa, at a place called The Mountain of the Gods in Botswana. He said the people who lived at this site worshipped the python 70,000 years ago, making it the oldest snake cult in the world and they even carved a snake from the bedrock of the mountain. To be completely honest I was sceptical for a start, I often am, but a quick Google search brought forth an article from 2006 by Scientific American titled ‘Offerings to a Stone Snake Provide the Earliest Evidence of Religion.’
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