Americans 26,500 Years Ago - Human History Gets a Rewrite - Atlantis Rising Research Group News Blog

Visit Atlantis Rising Research Group at It is now clear that humans were in the Americas long before we have been taught. Evidence from many widely scattered locations is piling up, and a once-unquestioned academic theory is in tatters. Two explosive studies published in the journal Nature, in July, 2020, concede that there is now strong evidence that the peopling of the Americas began more than 20,000 years ago. For most of the last century archaeologists have been saying that the first humans in America crossed from Siberia to North America around 13,000 BC and moved further south as retreating ice sheets opened a corridor for migration. In the 1960s and ’70, however, researchers began reporting sites across the Americas that were much older, pushing back the arrival of the first Americans’ by thousands of years. And now startling new research by archaeologists at Mexico’s Chiquihuite cave shows that human history in the Americas may be at least twice as old as
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