Disconnecting from negativity

Let’s not connect ourselves with a mass frequency what is influenced by negative news, bases on fear, otherwise we create a negative energy worldwide. Everything is energy. Let’s go through the day with an activation that raises the energy and does not connect us with the overriding negativity. Remain in your frequency, your creation and disconnect from the created negative vibe. The activation Disconnection feeds your subconscious to disconnect with the frequencies that are irrelevant for you. Wishing you a magical season. Heart to Heart, Janosh Preparation! Sit up straight. Don’t cross arms or legs. Before you start, take three deep breaths, very slowly: in through your nose, out through your mouth. For best results use headphones so you can feel the music. Enjoy this activation, do it many times and let’s connect through this frequency all arround the world from heart to heart, Enjoy! 7 tips to transcend to raise your frequency. 1. Keep focused on your good intentions 2. Laugh a lot today 3. Write down what you are grateful for and share it here 4. Make more eye contact and smile to each other 5. Don’t read any news today 6. Give compliments 7. Do the activation: Disconnection
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