ПРЯХА. Russian folk song. Shtokolov. Картина К.Васильева

Russian national song - SPINNER. В НИЗЕНЬКОЙ СВЕТЁЛКЕ. ( vinil recording, 1981) For this song I’ve selected pictures of painter Konstantin Vasiliev (“Waiting“) Shtokolov’s love for russian songs led him to establishing artistic contacts with the Andreyev Russian Folk Orchestra of the Leningrad TV & Radio, called by its founder . “...a kind of representative of the Russian folk art“. Painstaking artistic search resulted in their joint concert programmes, which include such an affectionate, beautiful and pure song as “Maiden’s room“, “Evening Bells“, full of philosiphical pondering, or buojant and cheeful “Ah, Nastasia“, “My Sweetheart Lives in a Tower“, “Down the Peterskaya Street“, “Peddlars“. And it becomes clear that only Russian music could inspire Shtokolov’s original talent. Folk songs helped the artist to discover his possibilities, to find his own eloquent intonations, appealing to the heart of the listeners, to understand his artistic disposition. Russian songs & romances performed by the singer with the orchestra, were recorded live in Moscow on September, 18, 1981. At that concert Shtokolov presented one of the programmes, for which he has been awarded the USSR State Prize. ПРЯХА (SPINNER) В низенькой светелке Огонек горит, Молодая пряха У окна сидит. Молода, красива, Карие глаза, По плечам развита Русая коса. Русая головка, Думы без конца Ты о чем мечтаешь, Девица-краса?..
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