✨佐井好子❤Yoshiko Sai - 胎児の夢😼Taiji No Yume👶だいたいwフルアルバム(HDHQ・Almost Full Album :) 1977€

生まれるまえにみた夢は 桃源郷か蟻地獄か   銀河の涯よりよりとびいでる 生みの恐怖におびえつつ 胎児はどんな夢を見る? The dream I had before I was born was either Arcadia or Ant Lion. What kind of dreams does a fetus have as it jumps out of the abyss of the universe, terrified of birth? (Translation from obi and liner) 当動画をご覧頂き、ありがとうございます。😊 HDや4K、Music Premiumであっても多少の音質劣化はあり、元通
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