Kebab Gets Launched Into Space In World’s First

Subscribe to Caters Clips: Subscribe to StoryTrender: ID: 1458426 Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a MEATY-OR that’s soaring through the sky and past JuPITTA, as the world’s first kebab is launched into space. Though a long staple of any drunken diet, kebabs are reaching new heights in Zurich, Switzerland, thanks to one barmy restaurateur and his dream to send his establishment’s signature wrap Kofta space. Attaching the beloved snack to a weather balloon, Pascal Leuthold of the Mediterranean take-away chain, AYVERDI’S, saw his kebab soar to a staggering 124,000ft in the air, without as much as an onion falling out of place. Cruising up to the very crest of the earth’s curvature, the kebab witnesses some stunning views of the void above, before crashing back down to earth and completing its epic two-hour voyage. **To use or license this video please contact Licensing@** Connect with Caters: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook: Visit our website: Company Information: Caters TV is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact Licensing@*
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