Arathi Highlands- Music & Rain Ambience (1 hour, 4K, World of Warcraft Vanilla)
The Arathi Highlands (or Arathor) are located in southeastern Lordaeron, east of Hillsbrad Foothills and south of the Hinterlands. It is a flat but craggy region that has traditionally been the home of the humans of Arathor, who gave the region its name. The main hubs of activity are now Refuge Pointe and Hammerfall, which houses bases for Alliance and Horde, respectively. The large city of Stromgarde lies in ruins to the southwest, and pockets of Syndicate resistance dot the land. The Boulderfist ogres also infest Arathor, and prove to be a constant threat to the Alliance, Horde, and Syndicate factions vying for supremacy.
The Syndicate, Boulderfist ogres and the beleaguered human defenders of Stromgarde battle for supremacy in this gray, dismal realm. Prince Galen Trollbane once led the human defenders, until he was slain by mercenaries seeking Trol’kalar, and his mighty city of Stromgarde is a ruined battleground where the three factions wage guerrilla war. The fallen prince himself was raised from the dead to aid the encroaching Forsaken, already controlling the majority of Lordaeron, and to regain Trol’kalar. The Trollbane family’s holdings include several ancient human artifacts, and a group called the Caretakers protects and preserves the most important pieces. To the south is the Thandol Span, a massive dwarven construction that bridges the canal between Lordaeron and Khaz Modan.
The Arathi Highlands were once the cradle of human civilization, as it marks the place where the Empire of Arathor was founded and where the first real contact between elves and humans was made, during the Troll Wars. From the great city of Strom, the Human Empire controlled nearly all of the eastern lands. After the Empire’s collapse, the city of Strom was largely abandoned save for a contingent of the Imperial Guard. These Guardsmen founded a new martial kingdom known as Stromgarde, establishing their capital in the old city of Strom. Over time, they also built a village (later known as Hammerfall) further to the east. During the Second War the forces of Stromgarde, now ruled by Thoras Trollbane, were an instrumental part of the Alliance’s ground forces. Despite this, the Arathi Highlands and Stromgarde itself was overrun by the Horde.
After the Second War, Stromgarde was rebuilt, and the former village that was to become Hammerfall was converted into an internment camp to hold the hated orcs. At the beginning of the Third War, the orcs from the highlands led by Thrall, warned by a prophet, gathered and left Lordaeron for Kalimdor.
Original Arathi Highlands Vanilla / Classic music tracks (all the time marked also in the video), you can hear them first time:
00:12 Mountain Day 1
02:10 Mountain Day 2
03:17 Mountain Day 3
22:27 Mountain Night 1
23:36 Mountain Night 2
24:46 Mountain Night 3
25:59 Mountain Night 4
08:45 Dun Morogh Original Soundtrack
04:42 Jungle Night 3
06:15 Jungle Day 2
07:53 Jungle Day 3
17:19 Stormwind 1
18:18 Stormwind 8
28:21 Battle 5
29:09 Orgrimmar 2
30:14 Battle 3
30:47 Orgrimmar 1
Mountain (Day & Night), Jungle & Stormwind were composed by Jason Hayes.
Music tracks are extended for 1 hour and they are accompanied by rain ambience captured in game.
Areas of interest in Arathi Highlands (WoW Vanilla):
00:00 Intro
01:27 Boulderfist Hall
04:00 Witherbark Village
08:45 Walk to Stromgarde Keep
16:45 Stromgarde Keep
22:30 Refuge Pointe
26:15 Dabyrie’s Farmstead
28:45 Hammerfall
32:30 Go’Shek Farm
36:15 Circle of East Binding
40:00 Faldir’s Cove
42:30 Circle of Outer Binding
45:00 Circle of Inner Binding
48:45 Circle of West Binding
51:15 Boulder’gor
52:30 Northfold Manor
55:00 Thoradin’s Wall
57:32 Walk to Hillsbrad Foothills
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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