Dubak (Russia) — Печали Леденящий Вой — 2023 full length

The second album of this Russian duo. Unlike the debut, which obviously followed a harsher and also faster path mixed into atmospheric black metal, here slows down to create something even more melancholic and with greater detail in the songwriting and vocal abilities. These often turn beautifully to the depressive black metal shrieks, that on the last track bloom perfectly, making this my favourite so far from this entire project. A magnificent blackened piece, devoid of hope, by two noteworthy artists of this genre. Band: Dubak (Дубак) Album: Печали Леденящий Вой (Howl of Ice) Year: 2023 Label: Independent Genre: Black Metal Country: Russian Federation Tracklist: 1. Умирая В Снегах 00:00 2. Холод Забытых Лесов 07:28 3. Судьба Храбрецов 15:09 4. Печали Леденящий Вой 24:25 All rights belong to Dubak. Video will be deleted upon request. Please contact me in case you want this video to be taken down.
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