Deicer Animation Deicing Bubbler by

This deicer animation shows what is really happening when an an industrial diffuser such as our OctoAir10 is used as a deicing bubbler. How the opening the water is influenced by outside temperature. How heavier water at 4 Celsius is lifted to the surface to create a movement of warmer water to melt the ice. Techniques such as bubbler de-icer, ice-eaters, Kasco De-icers, dock bubblers and various agitators all function on similar concept. manufactures industrial de-icers for barge de-icing, industrial ports and residential docks as well. deicing products are known as Thawline Systems, OctoAir-10 Industrial Deicers and Bubble tubing deicers. Our technologies are driven by our needs and proudly made in us for more information or to find the nearest dealer. 450 243-0976, info@
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