Gel Electrophoresis

Explore electrophoresis with The Amoeba Sisters! This biotechnology video introduces gel electrophoresis and how it functions to separate molecules by size. Expand video details for table of contents. 👇 Video has handout: Special thanks for feedback from Dr. Brian W Davis and his team at Texas A&M University! Major Points in Video: Intro 00:00 (Example of) How Gel Electrophoresis Can Sort Molecules 1:42 Restriction Enzyme Role 3:20 Example 1: Mother and Baby Guppy Electrophoresis 4:31 Longer DNA Fragments vs. Smaller DNA Fragments 4:49 Example 2: Problem Solving with Gel Electrophoresis 5:33 DNA Ladder: 6:05 DNA Fingerprinting 7:14 CORRECTIONS: 1:39 we should add the word “tool“ like we mention at end of video as gel electrophoresis is a tool used in the field of biotechnology The Amoeba Sisters videos demystify science with humor and relevance. The videos center on Pinky’s certific
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