Haqqislam Reinforcements Rules - Melek Reaction Group XX | Infinity ENDSONG Week
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Carlos from Corvus Belli tells us ALL we need to know about the new Reinforcements Rules for those diving into playing games of their Sci-Fi wargame, Infinity. In this video, we have a look at what’s new for Haqqislam!
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The Reinforcements rules allow you to bring in supporting units during the midgame. These reinforcements can be deployed further up the tabletop so they can dive deeper into the action. There is a limit to the reinforcements that can be used by each faction for this so you must choose wisely!
Throughout this week, we look at what units and characters can be used by the different factions including some new units!
► Comment To WIN! - 1 Of 3 Infinity CodeOne: Operation Blackwind
If you comment on any of the videos from Infinity ENDSONG Week, you could be in with the chance of winning a copy of Infinity CodeOne: Operation Blackwind thanks to Corvus Belli.
You can comment on the Infinity ENDSONG Week videos on YouTube and OnTableTop and at the end of the week, we’ll pick 3 Winners. One winner from YouTube, one winner from OnTableTop and one from amongst our Cult Of Games subscribers.
► One Winner From YouTube, OnTableTop & Our Cult Of Games Subscribers
Make sure to get involved in the comments down below and tell us your thoughts on both the new ENDSONG book and the new Reinforcements rules which are coming for every faction in Infinity.
Make sure to get involved in Infinity ENDSONG Week!
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#CorvusBelli #Infinity #EndsongWeek
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11 months ago 01:40:03 1
Подкаст Жёлтая змея. S2S11. Обновление билдера и Reinforcements N4