杨氏太极十三刀 Yang Tai Chi Saber 13 Form

I love the Yang style Taiji 13 Form saber. It is simple, essential and with unique features. Being the handle of this ancient-style saber, I took the opportunity to talk about the Double Dragon Sui Dao, a reconstruction of a 1400-year-old saber. I am reflected in this Sui Dao: I am Western, but I have dedicated my life to Eastern culture, like this saber which is both Eastern and Western. At 00:50 my daughter, who is eighteen years old, in her room sings “I don’t want to set the world on fire“ a song from the 40s. Good music passes through walls and through time, like good teaching. IT Amo la sciabola Taiji 13 Forme dello stile Yang. È semplice, essenziale e con caratteristiche uniche. Essendo l’impugnatura di questa sciabola di foggia antica, ho colto l’occasione per parlare della Double Dragon Sui Dao, una ricostruzione di una sciabola di 1400 anni fa. Mi rispecchio in questa Sui Dao: sono occidentale, ma ho dedicato la mia vita alla cultura orientale, come questa sci
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