Trest (Germany) — Sorginak — 2023 full length

The sophomore album of this Germanic project. A continuation of previous work, bringing a stellar unidirectional black metal using occasional dissonances while the guitar and bass richly ornaments the melody. Also, very present in the melody are the bassy growling vocals as well as the hyperactive drumming which accompanies the entire album, quite close to what the Swedish Ondskapt did. Even if you do not know this project from previous works, it should be no surprise considering this fine piece of black metal comes under the wing of the mighty Black Gangrene Productions. CD and vinyl availa...ble through Black Gangrene Productions Band: Trest Album: Sorginak Year: 2023 Label: Black Gangrene Productions Genre: Black Metal Country: Germany @BlackGangreneProductions blackgangrene@ Tracklist: 1. Arburu 00:00 2. Borda 05:15 3. Echachute 11:38 4. Joangorena 17:15 5. Subildegui 22:10 6. Xarra 27:22 All rights belong to Trest and Black Gangrene Productions. Video will be deleted upon request. Please contact me in case you want this video to be taken down.
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