General Election Aka Pathe Election Forum (1945)

Full title reads: “GENERAL ELECTION Pathe Gazette has invited leading political spokesmen to give a brief statement of their parties’ policies. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of this Newsreel. The Parties Speak - No. 3. - The Rt. Hon. Sir Archibald Sinclair - Liberal Party.“ Various shots of Sir Archibald Sinclair speaking for the Liberal Party on the coming election. He says (natural sound): “Germany is beaten and the war in Europe is over. Praise be to our gallant soldiers, sailors and airmen and to all the men and women in the Merchant Navy, in Civil Defence, in field and factory, in mines and offices, who under providence have won the victory. Britons never shall be slaves. It was to keep Britain free that the Liberal Party came into being and freedom is what it lives for, and fights for still. Liberals won for Britain the right to vote and the voting secret so as to be free from intimidation. Liberals gave us free education, national health and unemployment insura
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