SilviaWA // Triple Threat (4K)

These three Silvia’s are similar in that they are all S13s, and all sport their OEM blue/grey two-tone paint. However this is where their sameness ends: Sean’s S13 is bagged, powered by a big RB25DE NEO and bloody bad ass. Conversely, Masood’s S13 is powered by the mighty SR20DE.... It also simply oozes uniqueness (From it’s body styling, to the 18“ chrome Work XT7s). Finally, Jeff has taken a more refined approach with the bodywork of his S13. However make no mistake, the 17“ TE37’s in white - mean he definitely still stands out. Despite the obvious differences, these cars share a kinship. So we got them all together and shot a video. Tune in and watch the sparks fly. Filmed and edited by GDG MEDIA:
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