Halo Manash - Syoma

ALAC rip from CD Artwork [Drawings] – Bleidd Percussion, Cymbal [Cymbals] – Iwo Hoccuc Recorded By, Mixed By, Producer – Halo Manash Vocals, Voice [Chanting], Guitar [E-bowed Guitars], Synthesizer [Analog Synthesizers], Sounds [Samples], Performer [Windbones, Sinebotar, Sigil, Owls], Bells, Pipe [Pipes], Design – Anti Ittna H.* Recorded, mixed and produced 2004. Copyright and production: Aural Hypnox. All of the material on this album is dedicated to and inspired by the dynamic subconscious force which gave impulse to visions relating to auto-cannibalism and metempshychosis. 1 Putousva 2 Usvaisuusiutuva 3 Alaspäin Syön 4 Eta-etsijä 5 Irtautuminensin 6 Silvoinnokkaastietoa 7 Loi Muutos 8 Syoma
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