Why the PROHIBITION on Kabbalah Was Lifted in the 16th Century
Why did the wisdom of Kabbalah start becoming open to the masses in the 16th century?
What was so unique specifically about the 16th century in the process of Kabbalah’s revelation to the world?
The answer lies in understanding the process of the development of desires. Over the course of history, our desires undergo development through food, sex, family, money, honor, control, knowledge, and finally, spirituality.
In terms of human evolution, the 16th century marked the emergence of the desire for knowledge en masse. Historically, we know of this new desire’s awakening as the Renaissance period.
What happened in the Renaissance period? It was a period that saw the emergence of the printing press, and thus people were reading and writing a lot more, giving rise to a lot more thinking, critique, and analysis. Likewise, it was a time of significant progress in scientific and philosophical thought, as well as the arts, and we see such figures as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Copernicus, Galileo, Shakespea
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