Metrotopia Metaverse, created by Zaha Hadid Architects and ArchAgenda, launched with a virtual Venice Architecture Biennale exhibition entitled ’Knowledge Transfer’ displaying current works from some of the world’s leading architecture studios including OMA, Morphosis, Coop Himmenb(l)au, UNStudio, Zaha Hadid Architects, MAD, Sou Fujimoto Architects, Archi-Union Architects, LAVA, Contemporary Architecture Practice, Minimaforms, EcoLogicStudio, NFTism, Studio Kinch, Soomeen Hahm Design & Studio Igor Pantic, , Brash Collective, Kordae Jatafa Henry, Jeremy Kamal, Angelica Lorenzi and Jennifer Chen. The exhibition responds to the overarching theme of the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale put forward by Lesley Lokko, “The Laboratory of the Future“. Metrotopia’s exhibition is a segment of the Architecture Biennale collateral event hosted by NYIT, which includes CityX and a physical exhibition at the Palazzo Ca Zenobio in Venice. The exhibition in Metrotopia will remain on di
10 months ago 00:16:18 1
The World In 2050
2 years ago 00:04:43 1
Updated: Metrotopia Metaverse - created by Zaha Hadid & ArchAgenda