Henryk Siemiradzki Gallery

Music MegaBackingTracks - Paintings in this video not in correct order 1 Sinner. 1873. Canvas 2 Dice. 1889. Canvas 3 dangerous lesson. Canvas 4 Vacation. 1890. Canvas 5 Funeral noble Virus. Canvas 6 Rome. Village. Canvas 7 Luminaries of Christianity (Torches of Nero). 1882. Canvas 8 A scene from Roman life. 1883. Canvas 9 dance among swords. 1881. Canvas 10 Trizna vigilantes Sviatoslav after the Battle of Dorostolom in 971 11 U reservoir. 1895. Canvas 12 Phryne on the festival of Poseidon in Elevzine. 1889. Canvas 13 Christian Dirtseya the Circus of Nero. 1898. Canvas 14 Christ and the Samaritan woman. 1890. Canvas 15 Christ with Mary and Martha. 1886. Canvas 16 Self-Portrait (unfinished). 1876 17 Alexander Nevsky accept papal legates 18 Antique scene. (Girl with a Flower) 19 mischievous child 20 Conversation 21 Prodigal Son 22 In undertaking. 1860 23 Inspiration Homer 24 water-carrier in t
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