🔴Caravan A section soloing: a perfect place to work on phrasing🎵

🎵As jazz guitarists it’s easy to focus on harmonic material - what arpeggio or scale to use, but if this isn’t paired with phrasing then it doesn’t all come together to form a cohesive solo. In today’s lesson I cover how Caravan is a perfect jazz standard to work on bringing things together. With 2 chords in the A section, it gives your head a break from constant chord changes. I demonstrate: 🔴 How to use call and response ⚫️ How repetition can help lead one line into another 🔴 Playing with space ⚫️ Building and resolving tension 00:00 Intro 00:29 Caravan A a good testing ground 01:04 C7 into Fm 01:37 What makes a good phrase? 02:36 Call and response based idea 03:03 Build up tension 03:40 Leave space 04:12 Wrap up and thoughts on working on your phrasing. ▶️Learn the chords and harmony to Caravan here: 💾Download the PDFs from today
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